The Art of Social Media

By now it’s clear that whether you’re promoting a business, a product, or yourself, social media is near the top of what determines your success or failure. Guy teamed up with Peg Fitzpatrick, who he says is the best social-media person he’s ever met, to offer The Art of Social Media–the one essential guide you need to get the most bang for your time, effort, and money.

With over one hundred practical tips, tricks, and insights, Guy and Peg present a bottom-up strategy to produce a focused, thorough, and compelling presence on the most popular social-media platforms. They guide you through steps to build your foundation, amass your digital assets, optimize your profile, attract more followers, and effectively integrate social media and blogging.

For beginners overwhelmed by too many choices as well as seasoned professionals eager to improve their game, The Art of Social Media is full of tactics that have been proven to work in the real world. Or as Guy puts it, “Great stuff, no fluff.” You can watch a seminar based on the book here.

If you think you know everything about social media, we dare you to take the test below.

SMART (Social Media Aptitude and Readiness Test)

[WpProQuiz 3]



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