Fran Hauser: Kindly, Gently, and Powerfully Embrace Your Work

Today's remarkable guest is Fran Hauser. She is passionate about leveling the playing field for women and showing people how to combine niceness and power. Fran was the president of Digital at Time, Inc. There, she led innovation, acquisitions, and digital expansion for People, In Style, Entertainment Weekly, and Essence. Fran currently helps fund and advises companies that are started by [...]

Steve Blank

This episode's remarkable guest is Steve Blank.  Steve attended the University of Michigan for one semester and then joined the military. After the Vietnam war, he moved to Silicon Valley and has been involved with tech companies, including  Zilog and MIPS Computers, Convergent Technologies, Ardent, SuperMac Technologies, ESL, and Rocket Science Games. To put it mildly, he truly understands high-tech entrepreneurship because [...]

Ronnie Lott

Ronnie Lott is one of the best players in the history of the NFL. After a successful college football career at USC, he was the first-round draft pick of the SF 49ers in 1981. Over his fourteen-year career, he played for the 49ers, Los Angeles Rams, New York Jets, and Kansas City Chiefs. In [...]

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