
Over at Escape From Cubicle Nation, Pam Slim has compiled the top ten entrepreneur’s song list, complete with samples.

Speaking of music, I was listening to the Greg Kihn show on KFOX this morning, and Gregg Allman called in because his daughter’s band came in second in the station’s “Last Band Standing” contest. In response to a question from Greg Kihn about performing early in one’s career, Gregg Allman said this:

“You play for the gods and people just happen to be there.”

This is a very good description of how you should feel when you are pitching: You pitch to the gods and people (venture capitalists*) just happen to be there. Because when you pitch to the gods…

  • You cut the crap because the gods are omniscient.

  • You make it short because the gods are busy.

  • You practice because you’re not going to get a second chance.

  • You use a 30-point font in your slides because the gods are old and have bad eyesight.

* And make no mistake, venture capitalists are not gods.