I’m offering a free copy of Database 101 and The Macintosh Way. To get them, you need to go to my Facebook fan page, “like” the page, and then download the books.

Step 1: Go to the fan page.

Step 2: “Like” the page.


Step 3: Click on the books to download them.


Step 3a. If you don’t end up with a page that looks like the one above, you’re probably at the Wall. If so, click on “Enchantment” on the left side of the page.


Step 4 is to read them and reap.


Between you and me, the purpose of giving away my old books is to interest you in my current books. Duh. My latest is called Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions. If you buy it now, you can get a free copy of Garr Reynolds’s Presentation Zen. These two books will make you an enchanting speaker and presenter—you’ll have audiences, management, venture capitalists, and potential customers in the palm of your hand.

Learn about this special offer here. (This offer applies to every form of Enchantment purchased anywhere in the world.) Here is a list of some places to buy Enchantment.