
I love vertical-markets companies and recently learned of one. Airspun, Inc. offers commercial radio airtime to bands and songwriters for the purpose of showcasing their music to genre-targeted radio listeners around the world.

Here’s how it works: Bands browse sixty-second airtime slots on radio stations by genre and city. After booking their slot (at prices ranging from $12 to $200), they download sixty-second audio templates to create “Artist Showcase” spots that are downloaded by the radio stations for broadcast airplay.

Bands also get an online referral page linking to wherever their music is sold online. Each spot features a brief announcement of the song and band name, followed by about forty-five seconds of the showcased song, and an Airspun end-tag asking listeners to visit the site to find the featured artist and vote or provide feedback on the music.

FYI, these are some stats on radio station spots: Approximately 10,000 commercial stations in the U.S. X
10 spots/hour X 24 hours = 2.4 million ad spots per day X
365 days/year = 876 million spots/year in the U.S. Also, there are approximately 40,000 radio stations in the rest of the world.