The Psychology of Vaccination

This is a special episode of Remarkable People that involves not one but nine remarkable people talking about the COVID-19 vaccine. They are experts in the fields of such as psychology, history, decision sciences, and human behavior. They agreed to participate in this special project in order to help combat the corona virus. [...]

Dr. Anne Rimoin

Have you ever been to a party and you meet a doctor, so you ask about every ache and pain that you have? Or a lawyer, so you ask about prenuptial agreements and long-term capital gains? Or a social-media influencer, so how to optimize your Instagram posts, how many times you should tweet, and [...]

Dr. Vivek Murthy

This episode's remarkable guest is Dr. Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General during the Obama administration.  Dr. Murthy has an undergraduate degree from Harvard, an MD from Yale, and an MBA from Yale. His residency was at Harvard Medical School. He started Doctors for America, a group of 15,000 doctors [...]

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