I found a very interesting blog about naming:
This led me to the most interesting article I’ve read about finding domain names called The Search for a Domain Name:
I strongly suggest you check these two blogs out if you’re interested in the topic of naming.
Technorati Tags: branding, marketing, positioning
How a Good Name Turns out to be Crap – Literally
(Updated)TechCrunch gave a pretty positivie review of Jobby: “Unlike other web 2.0 job sites like Indeed and Simply Hired<...
I saw that on Lifehacker.com earlier today. It’s pretty interesting.
Guy, I think you’d like Lifehacker if you aren’t already familiar with it.
We’ve found that it’s best to name your company using a Scottish slang word that means (in Kawasaki-speak) “Shitake”.
That is very true and very sad. I was looking for an “email” url for a client of mine just last week. Only uber complicated names including the email/mail word are available.
The sad part is that most of them are inactive urls, bought just to rob people off later on, when they are needed. Even the f. word and “email” link are taken???
Believe it or not, I’ve actually proven the point of “original client’s ideas” in exactly this way, by telling him (not her) to gauge the marketing problem for an email site by trying to fetch an original url containing the word “mail”. I think I may not get the gig after all…
Seth Godin has had some useful things to say about name: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2005/10/the_new_rules_o.html
I find it wierd that people take advice from naming compaines that have crappy names.