Julia Cameron

I want to begin the year with an interview of the best person in the world to get us off to a remarkable start. And that person is none other than Julia Cameron. She is the author of The Artist’s Way…which has inspired more creativity than any other document except the shareholder’s reports of [...]

Dorie Clark

At age fourteen, she left high school to attend the program for the exceptionally gifted at Mary Baldwin University. As described by The New York Times, Dorie is now an expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives. Dorie has been named one of the Top Fifty Thinkers by Thinkers-Fifty and [...]

Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron is the author of The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Guide to Higher Creativity. Over five million copies of the book have been sold. That’s about 4.8 million copies more than any single book of mine. The 25th Anniversary version of the book has over 3,000 ratings that average out to five stars. [...]

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