Design a Sam Adams beer

Now this is a fun project. I’m helping Sam Adams “tap” the knowledge of beer drinkers and crowd source its next brew. Join the party by getting the app and designing your beer: The final brew will be released in Austin in the first week of March. #sponsored

By |2015-03-17T09:14:14-07:00January 20th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Last Blog Post

There’s a group effort for bloggers to post their “last post” today. Here’s the premise: If you had one last blog post to send out, what would you say? This is based on The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. I thought about this for two days, and my conclusion is that if I knew I [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:10:01-07:00February 8th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child

Who among us has not wondered if we’re doing the right things as we raise our children? If you have, then you should check out this interview with John Medina, author of Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child From Zero to Five. John is a developmental molecular biologist, and [...]

By |2015-03-17T09:15:23-07:00December 16th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sure fire way to get more Facebook fans

Over at the American Express Open Forum I just posted a method I recently learned to increase fans for Facebook pages. It involves “revealing” special content and offers to people who “like” you page. Check out how to do this in you’re interesting in increasing the impact of your Facebook marketing impact.

By |2015-03-17T09:15:24-07:00December 16th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Make and Flipboard Rock

In the last few weeks two companies have released services that enable you to take tweets and turn them into a newspaper or magazine format: and Flipboard. Alltop is a great source of information for both and Flipboard newspapers. If you’d like to learn how to do this for, click here, and [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:10:10-07:00August 24th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Find Freedom

Let me confess: I’m addicted to Twitter and email, and my addiction increases the more I have to do something important like write a book. Luckily, I stumbled across applications called Freedom and Anti-Social that really help. I explain how they works here at the American Express Open Forum. If you’re have a tough time [...]

By |2015-03-17T09:15:37-07:00July 28th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Examples of Enchanting Things

In the comments area below, please tell me some things that you find enchanting. For example: Car—1966 Mustang, Computer—Macintosh, City—Istanbul, Movie—Wizard of Oz, etc. I’m looking for a wide range of categories and examples. Thanks!

By |2015-03-17T09:15:39-07:00July 25th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Examples needed: Enchanting websites

I’m collecting a list of websites that are “enchanting.” That is, they are inviting, communicative, and cool. For example, I think that Work Awesome is enchanting. I’d love to see what websites are enchanting too. Please add list them in the Comments section below.

By |2015-03-17T09:15:48-07:00June 24th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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