
Adrian G. White, a psychologist at the University of Leicester, produced a “world map of happiness.” The study reflects data from UNESCO, the CIA, the New Economics Foundation, the WHO, the Veenhoven Database, the Latinbarometer, the Afrobarometer, and the UNHDR.

The twenty happiest countries are:

  1. Denmark

  2. Switzerland

  3. Austria

  4. Iceland

  5. The Bahamas

  6. Finland

  7. Sweden

  8. Bhutan

  9. Brunei

  10. Canada

  11. Ireland

  12. Luxembourg

  13. Costa Rica

  14. Malta

  15. The Netherlands

  16. Antigua and Barbuda

  17. Malaysia

  18. New Zealand

  19. Norway

  20. The Seychelles

Other rankings: USA (23), France (62), China (82) Japan (90), India (125). Fortunately, I am married to a Danish woman.