The Art of Unintended Uses

Most people in the mid eighties used personal computers for three primary purposes: spreadsheets, databases, and wordprocessing. Thank God that Paul Brainerd came up with the idea of PageMaker and desktop publishing, or we'd all be listening to music on cassette tapes. The principle that I learned from Aldus is that ultimately customers decide how [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:15:26-07:00June 2nd, 2008|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events, Pitching and Presenting|Tags: |0 Comments

I’ll Never Get on a Plane Again

Holy cow, am I the last person in the world to see this? Forget Cathay Pacific's first class seat, this is the way to make a speech in a far away land: Cisco/Musion Systems TelePresence holographic video conference. John Chambers (left) is in Bangalore. The other two guys (Martin De Beer and Chuck Stucki) are [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:15:30-07:00May 29th, 2008|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events|0 Comments

Launch: Silicon Valley 2008

Launch: Silicon Valley 2008 is now accepting executive summaries. The deadline is May 9th. This conference is a very inexpensive way to get your startup in front of a highly-qualified audience of venture capitalists and journalists. It takes place on June 10th at the Microsoft campus in Mountain View, California. For more information, click here.

By |2016-10-24T14:15:48-07:00April 28th, 2008|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Events|0 Comments

Creating Infectious Engagement

Just found out about a great conference at Stanford called "Creating Infectious Engagment." It's on May 1st from 3:30 to 6:00 pm. Learn more by clicking here. It features speakers such as Diego Rodriguez, Perry Klebhan (CEO of Timbuk2), and Debra Dunn (former SVP at HP). The conference is free--it can't get much better than [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:15:53-07:00April 23rd, 2008|Categories: Events, Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

Envision 08

I hope you can join me at Envision’08 in San Antonio, Texas. The conference runs from April 23-25. Texas A&M's Center for New Ventures and Entrepreneurship created this conference for entrepreneurs. It features these keynote speakers: Stephen Covey, Peter Schutz, Ray Rothrock, Marcus Buckingham, and yours truly plus power-packed workshops. Click here to register. It's [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:16:08-07:00April 3rd, 2008|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Events|Tags: |0 Comments

April Fools’ Stories You Shouldn’t Believe

Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton proposed the creation of the office of the co-president of the United States. Dave Winer joined Mahalo as the vice-president of marketing. Michael Arrington announced a conference called Kemo featuring startup life-science companies demonstrating medical cures in six minutes. Steve Ballmer donated $100 million to the Jane Goodall Foundation. Herman [...]

By |2015-03-17T09:31:50-07:00April 1st, 2008|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Art of Sucking Up

There is an art to sucking up. Done too blatantly it will backfire. Done too weakly, you won't get what you want. The perfect suck up contains the following elements: Credibility. No matter how good you suck up, if you don't meet the requirements for placement, a job, an interview, whatever, it won't matter, so [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:16:12-07:00March 25th, 2008|Categories: Events, Marketing and Sales|Tags: |0 Comments

Green Building at Stanford Just As Smart As People It Houses

Stanford University is full of smart people, and now it has a smart building too thanks to Jerry Yang, the co-founder of Yahoo!, and his wife Akiko Yamazaki The building is called Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building (Y2E2). The size of the building is 166,000 square feet, and it cost approximately $470/square foot. [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:16:33-07:00March 1st, 2008|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events|0 Comments

Book Recommendation: American Shaolin

My favorite scene in The Last Samurai was when the Tom Cruise character says something to the effect that “I’ve never seen a people who are more obsessed with perfecting simple skills” as he watches some villagers. This is just so Japanese—I’ve used it several times to explain to my wife why I try to [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:16:59-07:00January 30th, 2008|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events|0 Comments

Ypulse College Mashup Conference

My friend Anastasia Goodstein is running the Ypulse College Mashup conference for companies who are trying to reach the college-student market. The conference is running from January 31 to February 1 in Santa Monica, California. Speakers include: Jake Sasseville, host, The Edge With Jake Sasseville; Jessica Barron, director, Front Page Programming, Yahoo!; Chip Ross, director [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:17:06-07:00January 18th, 2008|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Events|0 Comments

Two Free Conferences: Fake Steve Jobs and Personal Branding

My interview of Fake Steve Jobs, sponsored by LinkedIn, is tomorrow at 6:00 pm Pacific. If you want to attend in person, click here to register. UStream will also stream it live if can't attend in person. You can click here or return to this posting to watch this embedded player. Also, on November 8th [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:17:53-07:00November 5th, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Events, Marketing and Sales|Tags: |0 Comments

PopTech Live Webcast

PopTech is a three-day conference in Camden, Maine. It brings together 500 visionary thinkers in the sciences, technology, business, design, education, government, and culture. Here are this year’s speakers (you’ll see that this isn’t the usual collection of Web 2.0 gadflys) and schedule. You can watch the sessions via a live, free webcast by registering [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:18:12-07:00October 15th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events|3 Comments

Speaking at Business of Software Conference

I’m speaking at the Business of Software Conference on October 29th at the San Jose Marriott. Other speakers on the agenda include Joel Spolsky, Rick Chapman, Dan Nunan, Jennifer Aaker, Tim Lister, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Eric Sink, Hugh MacLeod, Bill Buxton, Alberto Savoia, and Matt Mason. There’s a 22% discount going on right now. I hope [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:18:25-07:00October 4th, 2007|Categories: Events|5 Comments

Ten Questions with Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan is a social media expert specializing in building communities using digital tools. He is co-founder of PodCamp, a free unconference exploring the use of social media like podcasting and videoblogging to build relationships. He produces the Video on the Net conference for Pulvermedia and blogs at Question: What problem does Twitter solve? [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:18:34-07:00September 27th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events|0 Comments

Ten Questions with Moira Gunn: How Does an Internet Babe* Make the Leap to Biotech?

Moira Gunn hosts Tech Nation and its popular segment BioTech Nation, which airs weekly on over 200 public radio stations, on the NPR channels on Sirius Satellite Radio, internationally on American Forces Radio International, and to anyone, anywhere over the Internet. Originally a computer scientist and engineer, Moira started BioTech Nation rather unexpectedly in the [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:42-07:00July 30th, 2007|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

Mashup 2007 Conference

On July 16th and 17th my buddy Anastasia Goodstein is running a conference called Mashup 2007. The topic of the conference is marketing technology to teenagers. Here are the agenda and list of speakers (I volunteered, but she said I was too old...). July 16th and 17th Hotel Nikko San Franciso, California The teenage market [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:01-07:00July 9th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events|0 Comments

Ten Questions with Scott Berkun, Author of “The Myths of Innovation”

Scott Berkun worked on the Internet explorer team at Microsoft from 1994-1999. He is the author of a recently released book called The Myths of Innovation. He also wrote the 2005 bestseller, The Art of Project Management. He teaches a graduate course in creative thinking at the University of Washington, runs the sacred places architecture [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:08-07:00June 28th, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Events, Innovation|Tags: |0 Comments

Live Coverage of Steve’s WWDC Keynote

I’m going to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference to cover Steve’s opening keynote. I’ll post real-time reports beginning at 10:00 am Pacific on Monday morning at Truemors. Yes, this is just another ploy to draw traffic to Truemors. :-) If this isn’t the coolest way to get this message, I don’t know what is: via [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:25-07:00June 8th, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Events, Marketing and Sales|0 Comments
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