Gretchen Carlson: How to Be Fierce

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We're on a mission to help you be remarkable. Assisting me in this episode is the remarkable Gretchen Carlson. Gretchen became a voice for the voiceless after she went public with harassment claims against then Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes. This courageous act accelerated [...]

Mark Labberton: Christianity in America Today

I've got another great episode of the Remarkable People podcast for you. We're on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is the remarkable Mark Labberton. He was the president of Fuller Theological Seminary at the time of this interview. He recently retired. LISTEN TO THE EPISODE HERE Fuller is [...]

Robert Waldinger: How to Be Happy

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We're on a mission to make you remarkable. Have you ever pondered the mother of all questions: How do I achieve happiness? We have the answer for you. Robert Waldinger is the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. This is the longest scientific study [...]

Julia Cameron: The Writer’s Way

I'm Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We're on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is the one and only Julia Cameron. She's not making her first or second but third appearance on this podcast. I've never had a guest on my podcast three times, so this is [...]

Héctor García: Finding Your Reason for Living

Happy New Year! I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We're on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is the remarkable Héctor García. LISTEN TO THE EPISODE HERE Hector moved from Spain to Tokyo in 2004 and began writing a blog called A Geek in Japan. This led [...]

Kerri Walsh Jennings: What’s It Take to Be a GOAT

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We're on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is the remarkable Kerri Walsh-Jennings. She is one of the GOATs–greatest of all time–in women’s volleyball. This description opens up an existential question: “greatest” implies the one and only, but in my humble [...]

Paul Oyer: Real-World, Down, Dirty, and Useful Personal Economics

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We're on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is the remarkable Paul Oyer. He is a professor of Economics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Labor Economics. Paul obtained his bachelor's in math [...]

Tony Fadell: The Gospel According to the Creator of iPod, iPhone, and Nest

This week's guest on Remarkable People invented three of the top fifty most influential gadgets of all time. You might have one in your pocket right now! I'm Guy Kawasaki and this is Remarkable People. Becoming remarkable is a difficult and painful process. We're on our mission to shorten that time, relieve that pain, [...]

Tyler Shultz: Truth and Consequences from the Theranos Whistleblower

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We’re on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is Tyler Shultz. Saying that Tyler is remarkably brave is an understatement. He was the whistleblower on the Theranos debacle that led to the conviction of Elizabeth Holmes. Someone is truly remarkable when [...]

Andrea Lytle Peet: The Embodiment of Perseverance

We have a new episode of Remarkable People. We're on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is the remarkable Andrea Lytle Peet was diagnosed with ALS at 33. She quickly went from competing in marathons and triathlons to walking with a cane. LISTEN TO THE EPISODE HERE While 80% [...]

Antoinette Schoar: An Unconflicted Analysis of Crypto, Blockchain, and NFTs

Antoinette Schoar is a professor of finance and entrepreneurship at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Her current research concentrates on new financial technologies, consumer finance, and entrepreneurial finance. She has won many awards, including the Kauffman Prize Medal for Distinguished Research in Entrepreneurship and the Brattle Prize for best paper in The Journal [...]

Peter Sagal: How to Be Funnier Than Shit

This week's guest is the remarkably witty, acerbic, and insightful Peter Sagal.  He is the host of one of my favorite shows, Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!  He is to wit what Mount Chimborazo is to mountains.  If you've never heard of Mount Chimborazo, it's time for you to fire up Google to learn why [...]

Dolly Chugh: How to Drive Social Change

Welcome to the Remarkable People podcast. We’re on a mission to make you remarkable. Helping me in this episode is the remarkable Dolly Chugh. Dolly is a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business. She teaches MBA courses in leadership and management. She is also a faculty member in the [...]

Min Kym: A Music Prodigy’s Inside Story

I read about Min Kym in Susan Cain’s book, Bittersweet. The story of her relationship to her 1696 Stradivarius was so remarkable and fascinating that I had to bring it to you. Have you ever bonded with an object? A camera, car, surfboard, or in Min’s case, a musical instrument that “completes” you or [...]

Geoff Cohen: The Art of Connecting With People

Today’s remarkable guest is Geoffrey Cohen. He is a professor at the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University. His research focuses on the processes that shape people's sense of belonging and self and the implications of these feelings on social problems. He studies the threats to belonging and self-integrity that people encounter [...]

Elisabeth Gruner: The Zen of Writing, Reading, and Learning

Today’s remarkable guest is Elisabeth Gruner, and she has changed the way many people view the educational grading system. Elisabeth teaches Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Victorian Literature, and Creative Nonfiction Writing at the University of Richmond. In fact, she has been teaching college English for over 30 years. Four years ago, she [...]

Cassie Holmes: Applying the Science of Happiness to Life

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We are on a mission to make you remarkable. Today’s remarkable guest is Cassie Holmes. She is an award-winning professor at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management. Cassie has a Ph.D. from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business and a B.A. from Columbia University. Her work has [...]

Fran Hauser: Kindly, Gently, and Powerfully Embrace Your Work

Today's remarkable guest is Fran Hauser. She is passionate about leveling the playing field for women and showing people how to combine niceness and power. Fran was the president of Digital at Time, Inc. There, she led innovation, acquisitions, and digital expansion for People, In Style, Entertainment Weekly, and Essence. Fran currently helps fund and advises companies that are started by [...]

Barry Nalebuff: The Only Negotiation Guide You’ll Ever Need

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. We are on a mission to make you remarkable. Today’s remarkable guest is Barry Nalebuff. He taught at the Yale School of Management for over thirty years. He specializes in negotiation, innovation, strategy, and game theory. Barry is also a serial entrepreneur, and his ventures include [...]

Audrey Arbeeny: Branding with Sound

Audrey Arbeeny is a pioneer of sonic branding. She has been the Music Supervisor for NBC’s coverage for the last seven Olympic games. In fact, she’s won two Emmys for her work with NBC. She has also created the familiar sounds people hear when they are customers of Google, Microsoft, Whirlpool, KitchenAid, and McDonald’s. [...]

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