About Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist of Canva, an online graphic design tool. Formerly, he was an advisor to the Motorola business unit of Google and chief evangelist of Apple. He is also the author of The Art of Social Media, The Art of the Start, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, Enchantment, and nine other books. Kawasaki has a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA as well as an honorary doctorate from Babson College.

Life Remix

I came across a very interesting blog called Life Remix. Actually, the site represents a bunch of bloggers who have banded together to make “enrich people’s lives.” Here’s an example of the type of articles you’ll find there: How to Work Like the Masters Even Simple Multi-tasking Can Make a Project 30% Late Things Your [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:31-07:00August 7th, 2007|Categories: Blogging, Cool Stuff|0 Comments

How to Talk to the Press

Here’s a video featuring editors and reporters from the Wall Street Journal, Wired, TechCrunch, Seattle Times, and Seattle Post Intelligence discussing how entrepreneurs should pitch the press. You can also read the wrap up if you’re too busy to watch the video. Also, here's a video featuring only Michael Arrington from November, 2006. The short [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:33-07:00August 6th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales, Pitching and Presenting|Tags: |0 Comments

Facebook App: Books

I love the concept of Facebook applications based on my limited experience with Truemors for Friends. One bummer is that people can only invite ten friends per day to try a new application—which is problem if you’re just getting on the bandwagon. To help my fellow Facebook developers, I’ve decided to help them promote their [...]

By |2015-03-17T09:35:43-07:00August 2nd, 2007|Categories: Uncategorized|21 Comments

On the Other Hand: The Flip Side of Entrepreneurship by Glenn Kelman

This is a guest posting by Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin, a company that enables people to buy homes online. He offers a counterpoint to my posting about how easy it is to make millions of dollars with "user-generated, long-tail, Web 2.0, social-networking, open-source content." Last month, Guy called James Hong and Markus Frind heroes [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:40-07:00August 1st, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship|Tags: , |0 Comments

Ten Questions with Moira Gunn: How Does an Internet Babe* Make the Leap to Biotech?

Moira Gunn hosts Tech Nation and its popular segment BioTech Nation, which airs weekly on over 200 public radio stations, on the NPR channels on Sirius Satellite Radio, internationally on American Forces Radio International, and to anyone, anywhere over the Internet. Originally a computer scientist and engineer, Moira started BioTech Nation rather unexpectedly in the [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:42-07:00July 30th, 2007|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

Reality Check: Slidecasting by Slideshare.net

Slidecasting by SlideShare.net enables you to synchronize PowerPoint slides and audio files. To create a slidecast, you upload slides to SlideShare.net. The audio file is hosted anywhere on the web. Then you link the slides and audio by using an online synchronization tool. When you play the slidecast, the audio is streamed from its location [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:45-07:00July 28th, 2007|Categories: Books, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

Testers Wanted: Truemors for Friends

We’ve begun testing Truemors For Friends (TFF), and we could use some outside testers. Our Facebook version enables you to spread news, rumors, and gossip within the Facebook community. You can also share pictures, and links with your friends and see their pictures in each posting and comment. TFF is very different from Truemors.com. Our [...]

By |2015-03-17T09:35:48-07:00July 26th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff|0 Comments

How to Write a Business Plan: Ten Questions with Tim Berry

I work in the surreal world of Silicon Valley where venture capitalists fund companies based on PowerPoint pitches and executive summaries. My friend Tim Berry rightfully pointed that business plans still serve an important role in "the rest of the world." He's right, and he should know because he's the president of Palo Alto Software, [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:47-07:00July 23rd, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship|Tags: |28 Comments

Disabled by Facebook

I feel as if there’s a force field that’s sucking me deeper and deeper into Facebook. (Although there was a temporary setback when my account was disabled for excessive evangelism, if-you-know-what-I-mean.) The whole Facebook apps thing was the crowning touch. Facebook as a “platform” is the most interesting development platform since Macintosh. To wit, I [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:49-07:00July 19th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff|0 Comments

Now You Can “Rule the Web”

Would you like to rule the web? Mark Frauenfelder’s new book will help you do exactly that. I thought I knew about most of the cool stuff on the web, but thirty pages into this book it was clear to me that I was deluding myself. Mark is the founding editor of BoingBoing.net and editor [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:51-07:00July 18th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff|0 Comments

Three Cool Things…

Just came across three cool projects/sites that I have found very useful: Snap Shots plugin for Firefox. If you use Firefox, this is an essential plugin. It enables you to place your cursor over a link and see a snapshot of the web page. This used to require that the site implement some Javascript on [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:53-07:00July 15th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff|30 Comments

Ten Questions with Jeffrey Pfeffer

Jeffrey Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. He is the author or co-author of twelve books.Dr. Pfeffer received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Carnegie-Mellon University and his Ph.D. from Stanford. He began his career at the business school at the University [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:19:56-07:00July 13th, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Human Capital|0 Comments

uStream Appearance

On Thursday I'll be appearing live (as opposed to dead?) on uStream. The details are: 2:00 pm Pacific time July 12th Click here to go to the site. Hope you can join me. It's going to be a freewheeling discussion about venture capital, entrepreneurship, Truemors, and anything else you want!

By |2016-10-24T14:19:59-07:00July 10th, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Mashup 2007 Conference

On July 16th and 17th my buddy Anastasia Goodstein is running a conference called Mashup 2007. The topic of the conference is marketing technology to teenagers. Here are the agenda and list of speakers (I volunteered, but she said I was too old...). July 16th and 17th Hotel Nikko San Franciso, California The teenage market [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:01-07:00July 9th, 2007|Categories: Cool Stuff, Events|0 Comments

The Nine Best Story Lines for Marketing

Lois Kelly is the author of Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing. This is her explanation of the top nine types of stories that people like to talk about. If you’re pitching your company to investors, customers, partners, journalists, vendors, or employees and you don’t use at least one of these story lines, [...]

Ten Questions with Scott Berkun, Author of “The Myths of Innovation”

Scott Berkun worked on the Internet explorer team at Microsoft from 1994-1999. He is the author of a recently released book called The Myths of Innovation. He also wrote the 2005 bestseller, The Art of Project Management. He teaches a graduate course in creative thinking at the University of Washington, runs the sacred places architecture [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:08-07:00June 28th, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Events, Innovation|Tags: |0 Comments

My iPhone Review

It’s hard to write something about the iPhone that takes a new angle. For the next few days you’ll be seeing hands-on reviews of the iPhone by folks like Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal and David Pogue of the New York Times. Come Friday night, you’ll also see the first customer reactions. Thus, [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:10-07:00June 27th, 2007|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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