The Art of ‘Ware, a Reinterpretation of The Art of War

In the early 1990s, Bruce Webster wrote and published The Art of ‘Ware (M&T Books, 1995), a reinterpretation of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Basically, Webster applied Sun Tzu’s work to creating and marketing IT products. Webster recently updated his original version. If you’re a Sun Tzu fan, you’ll enjoy what Webster has done. [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:33-07:00May 29th, 2007|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Sales|0 Comments


My buddy, Glenn Kelman, the CEO of Redfin, had a strong reaction to last week’s post about PR by Marge Zable Fisher. So much so that he penned an alternate solution to the challenge of a good client-agency relationship: Don’t hire an agency and do it yourself. Here’s what he wrote. Nobody knows if Charlemagne [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:20:35-07:00May 29th, 2007|Categories: Events, Marketing and Sales|Tags: |54 Comments

The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing

Duct tape (the tape) is simple, effective, and affordable—it’s not always the prettiest solution, but it does always work. The central theme of Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide by John Jantsch is that effective small business marketing is a system—not an event—composed of simple, effective, and affordable techniques. When [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:21:23-07:00April 18th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

Science Daily Week

This is the final issue of Science Daily Week. Here’s a three-fer. Researchers at the University of Oregon found that when people watch someone perform a task that they know they’ll have to repeat later, similar parts of the brain are activated that are used doing the the task itself. The source is “Watching With [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:21:36-07:00March 30th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

Science Daily Week: Advertising and Sexy Content

Today’s Science Daily tidbit is that advertising during television programs with sexy content is less effective than during programs with no sexy content. This is the research finding of Ellie Parker and Adrian Furnham of the Department of Psychology of the University College London. I loved this quote: “The fact that recall of adverts was [...]

By |2015-03-17T09:38:25-07:00March 28th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

Science Daily Week: Hype Kills

Science Daily Week continues with the study of assistant professor Vanessa Patrick (University of Georgia) along with co-authors Debbie MacInnis and C. Whan Park (University of Southern California): “Marketing: Too Much Hype Backfires.” The study shows that “people take notice when they feel worse than they thought they would, but—oddly—not when they feel better than [...]

By |2015-03-17T09:38:27-07:00March 27th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

2007 Digital Outlook Report

Avenue A Razorfish recently published the 2007 Digital Outlook Report (6230.6K). This report examines trends in the way consumers, publishers, and advertisers employ digital media to have a conversation with each other. Specifically, it covers the following areas: Digital Buzz Digital Media (R)evolution Search Consumer Dialogues: The Digital Class Measurement Op-Ed: What’s on Our Minds? [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:21:53-07:00March 13th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

A Study of the Pros and Cons of Company Names

Check out this blog article called “10 Company Name Types on TechCrunch: Pros and Cons.” The author of the blog, Chris Johnson, provides an analysis of these types of names: Real words Compounds Phrases Blends Tweaked words Affixed words Made up or obscure origin Puns People’s names (real or fictitious) Initials and Acronyms This article [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:22:06-07:00February 26th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

Frame or Be Framed

George Lakoff is a professor at U.C. Berkeley Linguistics Department. He’s written a book called Don’t Think of an Elephant His message in this interview concerns how Republicans appear to be good “framers” and Democrats are lousy ones. Here are two questions from the interview: Question: How does language influence the terms of political debate? [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:22:23-07:00February 14th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales, Pitching and Presenting|0 Comments

A Comment on Comments

Here is an interesting juxtaposition. First, I read “The Availability Heuristic in the Classroom: How Soliciting More Criticism Can Boost Your Course Ratings” by Craig R. Fox, UCLA Anderson School and Department of Psychology. In this study, two groups of students filled out an evaluation of an MBA course. One group was asked for two [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:22:27-07:00February 13th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|37 Comments

Technology Evangelist Study

Frederic Lucas-Conwell conducted a study of Silicon Valley technical evangelists called “Technology Evangelists: A Leadership Survey.” Here is the abstract: The purpose of this study was to gain a clearer understanding of the relatively new phenomenon known as the “technology evangelist.” By our exploration, we aim to help readers improve their management functions, and to [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:22:34-07:00January 31st, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|0 Comments

The Top Ten Stupid Ways to Hinder Market Adoption

Here’s a compilation of silly and stupid ways companies are hindering adoption of their products and services. I must admit, some of the companies that I’ve invested in have made these mistakes—in fact, that’s why I know these mistakes are (a) silly; (b) stupid; and (c) hinder adoption. Enforced immediate registration. Requiring a new user [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:22:38-07:00January 29th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|Tags: |134 Comments

Top Ten Marketing Podcasts

Here’s a collection of podcasts about marketing from Marketing Voices, a weekly podcast that discusses how social media is affecting marketing strategy and practices, by my buddy Jennifer Jones. There’s lots of great information for entrepreneurs and small-business owners in these podcasts. Seth Godin, marketing expert, author. States that small is the new big. People [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:22:48-07:00January 17th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|Tags: |33 Comments

The Stickiness Aptitude Test (SAT) and Ten Questions with Chip and Dan Heath

My prediction for Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die is that it will join The Tipping Point and Built to Last as a must-read for business people. The book explains why some ideas stick and some don’t--and I’ve been on both sides of this equation. A warning though: If you read [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:22:56-07:00January 9th, 2007|Categories: Books, Events, Innovation, Marketing and Sales|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn

The average number of LinkedIn connections for people who work at Google is forty-seven. The average number for Harvard Business School grads is fifty-eight, so you could skip the MBA, work at Google, and probably get most of the connections you need. Later, you can hire Harvard MBAs to prepare your income taxes. People with [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:23:02-07:00January 4th, 2007|Categories: Marketing and Sales|174 Comments
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