Jamia Wilson

Welcome to the Remarkable People podcast. This episode’s guest is Jamia Wilson. Jamia wears many hats--and all of them well. She is a feminist, activist, writer, and speaker. She is also the director of the Feminist Press at the City University of New York. But first things first. If by any chance, you know [...]

iJustine: Digital Influencer, YouTuber, Tech Reviewer, and Gamer

I’m Guy Kawasaki. And this is the Remarkable People podcast. This episode’s guest is Justine Ezarik, or as you might know her: iJustine. iJustine is a YouTube personality, actress, social media influencer, and all-around nice person. Have you ever looked at some person and asked, Why does she have so many followers? Why does she [...]

Martha Nino: Fighting for the American Dream

This episode’s remarkable guest is Martha Nino. It’s unlikely that you’ve heard of her, but you someday will. She currently works at Adobe in a senior marketing position. How she came to be a guest is a good story. 10 years ago she saw me give a keynote speech for Adobe. I guess I [...]

Kristi Yamaguchi: Olympic Gold Medalist and World Champion Figure Skater, Author, and Philanthropist.

I’m Guy Kawasaki, and this is Remarkable People. This episode’s remarkable guest is Kristi Yamaguchi. I’m on a Yamaguchi streak right now. To my knowledge, she is not related to Roy Yamaguchi, the chef, and recent Remarkable People guest. She may not have won a James Beard award, but she [...]

Esther Wojcicki: Godmother of Silicon Valley, legendary teacher, and mother of a super-family

This episode’s remarkable person is Esther Wojcicki, educator, author, and mom. She currently teaches journalism and English at Palo Alto High School. In fact, she was the northern California teacher of the year in 1990 and California teacher of the year in 2002. The name of her book is How to Raise Successful People. [...]

Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston: Japanese American Internment Camp Survivor and Memoirist

This episode’s guest is Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston. She is the author of Farewell to Manzanar. This book was written in the 1970s when Jeanne was thirty-seven. It chronicles her family’s internment during World War II. It is one of the books that many American schools use to help students understand racism and prejudice. Jeanne [...]

Julie Packard: Philanthropist, Antithesis of a Trust-Fund Baby, and Environmental Role Model

Welcome to Remarkable People. This week’s Remarkable People podcast features a woman who fell in love with the Monterey Bay while studying science at U.C. Santa Cruz. On many dark, dank, and cold mornings, Julie Packard waded through the icy waters of the intertidal zone to study the plants and animals. She did this [...]

Arianna Huffington: Thriving, Redefining Success, and Creating a Life of Well-Being

Welcome to Remarkable People. Are you interested in thriving, not merely surviving? This episode's remarkable person is Arianna Huffington. She is the queen of thriving--that elusive and seemingly oxymoronic combination of health, wealth, and happiness. She is the founder of the Huffington Post--duh. In 2016 she also created a company called Thrive Global. She's [...]

Martha Stewart: Lessons from Martha on Perfection and Life

Martha Stewart created a personal brand long before anyone with a phone and Instagram account could do it. Everyone who uses social media for branding and promotion can learn from her. Martha is a household name and the original “influencer.” Photo credit: Photagonist.ca Welcome to Remarkable People. Martha Stewart is the original “influencer.” She [...]

Margaret Atwood: Mirth and Writing Magic with Canada’s Favorite Author

Have you ever wondered how Margaret Atwood writes books? In this episode of Remarkable People, she explains her tactics and techniques. She also spends quite a while geeking out about Macintosh. Margaret Atwood is the author of The Handmaid‘s Tale and its sequel, The Testaments, as well as more than fifty other books. She [...]

Jane Goodall Talks About What Gives Her the Most Hope and More!

Jane Goodall shares remarkable lessons from her life abroad and talks about current issues such as climate change and her hope for the future. This week's question is: Question: What animal would you like to be in your next life? Use the #remarkablepeople hashtag to join the conversation! Where to subscribe: Apple [...]

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