
How to Be a Remarkable Speaker

Have you ever wondered how you could be a remarkable speaker? When I started working at Apple in 1986 I was afraid of public speaking—for one thing, working for the division run by Steve Jobs was intimidating: “How could I possibly measure up to Steve?” But if you want to succeed as an evangelist [...]

By |2022-11-01T08:26:24-07:00March 4th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Podcast|Tags: , , , |9 Comments

Leon Panetta: Former White House Chief of Staff, CIA Director, and Secretary of Defense

Welcome to Remarkable People. This week’s Remarkable Person is Leon Panetta. From humble beginnings to an impressive career as a public servant and politician. Leon Panetta is a remarkable American who has dedicated most of his life to public service. A son of Italian immigrants, his service to his country began in 1964 as [...]

Julie Packard: Philanthropist, Antithesis of a Trust-Fund Baby, and Environmental Role Model

Welcome to Remarkable People. This week’s Remarkable People podcast features a woman who fell in love with the Monterey Bay while studying science at U.C. Santa Cruz. On many dark, dank, and cold mornings, Julie Packard waded through the icy waters of the intertidal zone to study the plants and animals. She did this [...]

Shaun Tomson: Surfer, Code Maker, and Flow Evangelist

Meet Shaun Tomson, one of the greatest surfers of all time. Welcome to Remarkable People. This episode’s guest is Shaun Tomson: Surfer, Code Maker, and Flow Evangelist. A few years ago I was in the Apple store in Santa Barbara getting my son’s iPhone screen fixed. A guy came up to me and [...]

Steve Wozniak: Pirate, Co-founder of Apple, and Hardware Wizard

Steve Wozniak: The Wonderful Wizard of Woz Welcome to Remarkable People. This episode’s guest is Steve Wozniak, more commonly and intimately known as simply “Woz.” He is the co-founder of Apple, prankster, iconoclast, concert producer, Dancing with the Stars contestant, and college graduate. True or false? Woz is still an Apple employee. Keep [...]

Andrew Yang: Crazy Smart Asian and 2020 Presidential Hopeful

As recently as 2016 few people had heard of Andrew Yang. He had achieved success as a tech entrepreneur, but he wasn’t in the billionaire club like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. But then he decided to run for the president of the United States. Everyone needs goals right? And [...]

Arianna Huffington: Thriving, Redefining Success, and Creating a Life of Well-Being

Welcome to Remarkable People. Are you interested in thriving, not merely surviving? This episode's remarkable person is Arianna Huffington. She is the queen of thriving--that elusive and seemingly oxymoronic combination of health, wealth, and happiness. She is the founder of the Huffington Post--duh. In 2016 she also created a company called Thrive Global. [...]

Dr. Robert Cialdini: The Psychology Powering Influence and Persuasion

The Godfather of Influence Welcome to Remarkable People. Before I introduce this episode’s guest, I want to ask you a question: Do you have a growth mindset? My guest Bob Cialdini is a professor emeritus at Arizona State University. He influences almost every marketing, evangelism, and sales decision that I make. His book, [...]

Martha Stewart: Lessons from Martha on Perfection and Life

Martha Stewart created a personal brand long before anyone with a phone and Instagram account could do it. Everyone who uses social media for branding and promotion can learn from her. Martha is a household name and the original “influencer.” Photo credit: Photagonist.ca Welcome to Remarkable People. Martha Stewart is [...]

Wee Man: California Dreamer Ollies to Jackass Fame with Crazy Stunts

Jason Acuna, better known by his stage name, Wee Man [of Jackass fame], is a skateboarder, actor, tv personality, and stuntman. As you'll learn, he's far deeper than a funny guy in movies. Welcome to Remarkable People. I confess that I wasn't sure who Wee Man, aka Jason Acuna, was because I'm too [...]

Margaret Atwood: Mirth and Writing Magic with Canada’s Favorite Author

Have you ever wondered how Margaret Atwood writes books? In this episode of Remarkable People, she explains her tactics and techniques. She also spends quite a while geeking out about Macintosh. Margaret Atwood is the author of The Handmaid‘s Tale and its sequel, The Testaments, as well as more than [...]

Stephen Wolfram: Fascinating Interview with a Modern Day Genius

Stephen Wolfram shares remarkable lessons from his life and how he build the things he wanted to use.  Welcome to Remarkable People. Stephen Wolfram is “physicist” but that's like saying LeBron James is a “basketball player” and Sir Donald Bradman is a “cricketer.” Have you ever wondered what it's like to get a [...]

The Stanford Prison Experiment: A Look Back with Psychologist Dr. Phil Zimbardo

The Stanford Prison Experiment: A Look Back with Psychologist Dr. Phil Zimbardo Welcome to Remarkable People. Have you ever wondered why good people can do bad things? Maybe it’s not that we all have badness in us, but that circumstances and surroundings exert such pressure that resistance is futile. This week I interview [...]

Jane Goodall Talks About What Gives Her the Most Hope and More!

Jane Goodall shares remarkable lessons from her life abroad and talks about current issues such as climate change and her hope for the future. This week's question is: Question: What animal would you like to be in your next life? Use the #remarkablepeople hashtag to join the conversation! Where to subscribe: [...]

How to Prepare for the Next Wave of Entrepreneurship

Steve Case is the co-founder of America Online, the company that democratized online access. Steve is currently the chairman of the Revolution investment firm and also the Case Foundation. President Obama named him Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship. Additionally, Steve has chaired Startup America and Startup Weekend, initiatives to promote entrepreneurship. In short, he’s a [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:08:38-07:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: Books|Tags: , , |35 Comments

Test drive: Mercedes AMG GTS

My friends at Mercedes recently loaned me a Mercedes AMG to test drive, and I'd like to share my favorite pictures and thoughts with you. I hate to admit this, but I'm not sure I'm man enough for this car. It is a fantastic 503-horsepower engine (built by Sven Seyfried) with two seats strapped to the [...]

By |2015-08-07T07:45:40-07:00August 7th, 2015|Categories: Autos, Cool Stuff|47 Comments

Test drive: Sony A7R II

Sony brought approximately twenty journalists and reviewers to Portland to try the a7R II and RX-10. I only used the a7R II, mostly with the Sony FE 2.8 35 mm lens (real men use prime lenses). These are samples of my pictures. I'm not a "real" photographer so if you see anything that's sub-optimal, it's [...]

By |2016-10-24T14:08:42-07:00August 6th, 2015|Categories: Cool Stuff, Photography|0 Comments
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